the 21st century.
you know what everyone tells you about the 21st century, about everyone being more open to matters, everyone being less conservative or conventional, everyone different from the past.HA!
all the talk about that is all but what our society really is.the example used most commonly would be that of the girl and guy how guys and girls are at equal standing, how now even girls should take the initiative when it comes to romantic relationships.not that i think it's a bad thing, but i've seen and experienced so much that i'm discouraged to do so or even resistant towards this ideal.
guys like to say that they appreciate brave girls who make the first move, but this often results in the guy not appreciating the girl as much when they get together and him not being as determined to make the relationship work.SEEE.the guy has to work for what he wants and if he gets it, he'll feel a sense of achievement and belonging towards the girl.only then will he make sure that this relationship lasts at all cost so that his effort put in before would not go to waste.
i guess i probably sound like a scorned reject.but it's only my opinion. (:
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